Bob Ramsay

The Plague-Ground: Daddy, tell me the one about the virus again.

Like you, I’m growing numb to the torrent of advice about how the world can/will/must change after the fog lifts.  Looking at pictures then and now of Venice with its pristine canals and Delhi with its crystal-clear air, makes me say “Let’s keep it that way.” Part of me yearns to Make Change Happen. The […]

The Plague-Ground: Daddy, tell me the one about the virus again. Read More »

The Plague-Ground: We’re not all in the same boat. But we are all in the same storm.

On the weekend, Spain redefined the meaning of stay-cation by letting its people leave their homes – but go no further than a kilometre from them.  Such is the nature of travel these days. But that will all change once we have the all-clear, and a vaccine, and rigorous testing at choke-points like airports.  Hong Kong International has already installed

The Plague-Ground: We’re not all in the same boat. But we are all in the same storm. Read More »

The Plague-Ground – Would you buy the middle seat?

This week, William Shakespeare will be 456 years old. We should care because the temple to his genius, the Stratford Festival, is in dire straits. Stratford’s problem is shared by most every arena, concert hall and auditorium in the world. It’s in the fixed seat business. Until the pandemic, Stratford thrived or stumbled by the number

The Plague-Ground – Would you buy the middle seat? Read More »

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