Tags: Politics


My $200 cheque arrived in the mail this week: a gift from Doug Ford to every adult in Ontario. I hadn’t thought much about what to do with it. Donate it to a charity? (Dozens have been asking.) Add it to the grandkids’ RESP? Buy eight $25 Tim Horton’s gift cards to give to street people for whom three hot meals a day is not a trivial gift?

But then The Saturday Morning Massacre happened and Donald Trump announced a 25% tariff on all Canadian goods entering America. Suddenly, every media outlet was filled with advice on how to fight back.

I remember back in 2002 when Canada’s dollar fell to an all-time low of 61 cents US, an economist said on CBC that if we all went out and spent $1,000 on a Canadian-made refrigerator or stove or TV, thousands of Canadian jobs would be saved, the dollar would instantly rise and our crisis would end.

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Politicians everywhere appeal to people who look, talk and act like them.

Given this universal truth, it’s revealing who Donald Trump appeals to because he’s like them.

So let’s look at how many votes could come Donald Trump’s way because of what we know is true about him.

First, he’s a man. 120 million American men are entitled to vote in the U.S. election.

Next, he’s white. 165 million U.S. voters are white.

At age 78, he’s also old. 650,000 Americans are 78 or older. But let’s loosen the definition of ‘old’ and say he’s “a senior citizen”. Over 72 million Americans fit into that group.

Trump is also a Christian. 150 million voters identify as Christian.

He plays golf, not well, but a lot. 10.4 million Americans play golf.

Trump is also a college graduate, like 125 million voters, and an Ivy League graduate, like 504,000 of them.

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The Personal Sacrifices.

There’s not a government on earth that doesn’t have political staffers. History and Shakespeare are littered with them. Their job is to keep their leader in power. Occasionally, they need to speak truth to power so their leader doesn’t go off the rails. But in Canada today, the Prime Minister’s staffers face a very different task: speaking truth to lack of power.

The number of Presidents and Prime Ministers who, when their prospects for re-election looked dim, took their staffers’ advice and left with their heads held high in order to avoid a bloodbath at the polls  is vanishingly small. This is because power is not just an aphrodisiac, it’s the crack cocaine of occupations.

So asking Justin Trudeau’s Chief of Staff, Katie Telford, to take him for a walk in the snow, just like his father did on Feb. 28, 1984, and decide not to run again, I don’t think that will happen.

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