Tags: covid vaccine

Now is the winter of our discontent.

Shakespeare’s words from Richard III express “the idea that we have reached the depth of our unhappiness and that better times are ahead.” That sums up what our health experts and politicians have been telling us about COVID. I just hope the next line – “Made glorious summer by this sun of York” comes true in New York and here in the County of York too. Bring us the sun, please, in great shiny gobs.


One week into the New Year and…

Well, it’s always darkest before the dawn, even if it takes the sun three years to rise.

“Cold and closed” sums up things nicely right now. But at least the pandemic isn’t spreading with the speed of Omicron and the lethality of Delta. My view is, let’s hunker down for a few weeks more, and get in line for the fourth vaccine, and another one every year from now on. Meanwhile, read on…


In April last year, as Donald Trump handed the pandemic over to the states to deal with, and then kept Democratic ones from receiving funding

The Arms Race

Just as a Smith & Wesson beats four aces, so too does a 10,000-a-day vaccination site beat even these last few days of sunshine to

The Plague-Ground – A shot in the arm

The vaccine’s no longer coming. It’s here. The trouble is, its presence is as spotty and enduring as our response to the pandemic itself. And


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