Bob Ramsay

The Plague-Ground – Travel to a new world. No cost. No waiting. Satisfaction guaranteed.

I’ve always wondered what it would be like to spend a day exploring a part of the world that billions of us visit every day, that’s completely transformed pretty much everything in our lives – and didn’t exist until 1990. That place of course is the internet. And what better time to view its distant

The Plague-Ground – Travel to a new world. No cost. No waiting. Satisfaction guaranteed. Read More »

The Plague-Ground – “Some day, you will screw up royally. In public. Then what will you do?”

Commencement Speech season started this weekend with Barack Obama delivering two of them online: one to high school students and one to the graduates of historically-black colleges, where he said: “More than anything, this pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what

The Plague-Ground – “Some day, you will screw up royally. In public. Then what will you do?” Read More »

The Plague-Ground – “In Spain people are renting out their dogs for walking.”

I heard this from Heather Ross who was speculating why fewer people seem to be having heart attacks during the pandemic than before. Maybe it’s because we exercise, get more sleep, spend more time with our families and less time getting to and from work. I say ‘speculating’ because Dr. Ross doesn’t do that. She’s

The Plague-Ground – “In Spain people are renting out their dogs for walking.” Read More »

The Plague-Ground – When is a nurse worth more than a baseball player?

Yesterday, I tripped over one of those New Yorker articles that snatches you and carries you into the black holes of a subject you knew absolutely nothing about. It then pops you to the surface 30 minutes later gasping at the bizarre and amazing things thing you saw. So it was with Thirty-six Thousand Feet

The Plague-Ground – When is a nurse worth more than a baseball player? Read More »

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