Tags: SenateAging


The CEO of the United States of America, the world’s largest organization, with $27 trillion in turnover and 333 million employees, is 81 years old.

His 4-year term is coming up in November and he hasn’t had a test to determine if he’s mentally competent, even though he’ll be 86 when he plans to walk out of his office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington for the last time.

But the 51 million Americans who watched Joe Biden’s performance against Donald Trump on June 27 didn’t need a doctor’s opinion to tell them their President was not up to the task on that day, let alone for the 1,461 days of his second term as U.S. President.

Given Mr. Biden’s mental frailty, there  are already calls for mental competency tests for politicians. Republican Nikki Haley, for one, has urged U.S. politicians over the age of 75 to take the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test, the standard for assessing mental decline.

Three quarters of Americans support this idea.


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