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UFOs land on Congress floor.

Whatever happened to the good old days when the US government could hush up any news of UFOs?

Now renamed UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), they’ve been getting big press in the past weeks from the strangest of places: mainline media. That ‘old’ media is simply reporting on something just as mainline, a US House Committee Hearing on any number of subjects over many decades, from a US President trying to overturn the results of an election, to the Watergate break-in.

Indeed, it doesn’t get more traditional than white men in blue suits testifying in Congress about something that other people in power don’t want revealed.

But there are four things that make these hearings on ‘little green men’ different.


“You’re the smartest in the room.”

Diana Henriques was the New York Times reporter who broke the Bernie Madoff story, the biggest Ponzi scheme in history. She said Madoff was different from even the most sophisticated con artist who would try to convince you they were the smartest person in the room. Madoff convinced you that you were the smartest in the room.

It seems Toronto has its own Bernie Madoff. Albert Rosenberg conned wives, banks, investors and the world for years. CBC Gem has a wonderful hour-long documentary on his story, written and directed by Barry Avrich. [CBC GEM is password-accessed but free]. Very worth watching, and a reminder that not all frauds are online.

Meanwhile, beyond the watering holes of Yorkville…


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