
Would you all please just go away?

Getting things fantastically wrong is a specialty of mine. Years ago I was at a big luncheon in the Royal York hotel and spotted a friend from years back across the crowd of many hundreds. Her face hadn’t changed, but as I drew closer, I could see she’d cut her hair down to her scalp.

“How are you?” I gushed. “What did you do with your hair?”

“I have a brain tumor,” she replied.

“Really?” I said.  “So, do you know Jane Lansing? She had a brain tumor and she cut her hair like you, too.”

She replied slowly between gritted teeth, “No, I don’t know Jane Lansing.”

The sinking feeling I then had matched what many must have felt when we heard tennis star Naomi Osaka refused to do media interviews after playing in the French Open last weekend. It turned out it wasn’t because she’s a diva, as we might cruelly feel about the best paid female athlete in the world who made $55 million last year.

It was because she’s depressed.

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Our next free RamsayTalk features the author of Love or Die Trying….. me, Bob Ramsay.
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that offers an intimate view of the top two-thirds of our home and native land.We’re presenting it with our friends at the
Royal Canadian Geographical Society.
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