Tags: KingConker

The price of righteous wrong-headedness.

I’m sure the ‘woke’ movement began with clean hands and an open heart.

A decade ago, too many people were kept away from the corridors of anything, let alone power, because of their gender, colour, faith and age.

But as with many revolutions, DEI has swung too far, lopping off innocent heads, silencing critics and brooking nothing less than total compliance for the deeply ironic idea of zero tolerance.

There’s a price to pay for this excess, and one far greater than having to reveal your pronouns in public.

Two examples this month reveal just how far the rot against competence has spread.

First, The New York Times reported on how the University of Michigan’s commitment to DEI ground its world-renowned arboretum and botanical gardens to a halt. The arboretum’s strategic plan “calls for employees to rethink the use of Latin and English plant names.”

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