Tags: John le Carre

Did you forget to remember that today is Remembrance Day?

It’s easy to do, especially in Canada where our military is starved into invisibility and seems to have missed the gender revolution completely.

Sure, we may remember those who fought and died for us on the 11th hour of this 11th day of this 11th month, but that memory will fade almost instantly for most of us. Even though two dangerous wars are now burning uncontrollably.

We shouldn’t forget so quickly or easily. Because millions of us have some direct family connection to our armed forces and hence, to war. My father fought in the Second World War, and my brother, in Korea. Yet I never think of myself as coming from a military family.

Read on…

Sumer is Icumen In

Odd that this is the title of an English round composed in 1260, because there hasn’t been a summer in the past many years more envied in its arrival than this one. Here are some places to help you get ready: sexy camping gear, plus where to get your next and best bike, plus 10 gardening mistakes to avoid, and the most beautiful coffee shops in the world (including Toronto’s Café Neo).

So, pour yourself a cup and breathe in this week’s Omnium Gatherum…


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