
Re-opening Meets Re-awakening

I remember March 13th last year. It was a Friday, and the day most North Americans left our workplaces and hunkered down for the coming plague. A couple of weeks or at worst a month. Well, here we are 15 months later, my wife and I having fled to our cottage which is now our primary residence.

I remember the drive up to Georgian Bay that cold night. The blowing snow; Donald Trump on the radio promising instant COVID-testing for every American in the parking lots of Walmarts and Target stores.

We were in Toronto last Friday, which marked the official end of the pandemic for Ontarians who had endured the longest lockdowns of any jurisdiction in North America.  Restaurant patios were open, retail stores (even bookstores) were open. Parks were open. Public libraries were opening. It was a gorgeous sunny summer day and people were thrilled to line up by the hundreds to get into stores along Bloor Street.

But something was missing.

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Our next free RamsayTalk features the author of Love or Die Trying….. me, Bob Ramsay.
Register for your free ticket here.
Join us for a free private screening of Cory Trépanier’s stunning new film,Into the Arctic: Awakening,
that offers an intimate view of the top two-thirds of our home and native land.We’re presenting it with our friends at the
Royal Canadian Geographical Society.
Register for your free ticket here.

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