Steven Pearlstein

Can capitalism survive America? Ask Steven Pearlstein.

It didn’t take Trump flaunting the wretched excesses of our economic system for us to know capitalism is in trouble. But Pulitzer-Prize winning economics journalist Steve Pearlstein argues that our worship of unfettered markets is undermining the very values that make capitalism and democracy work.

His book, Can American Capitalism Survive, challenges much of what’s taught in business schools and exercised in boardrooms across the land. Pearlstein’s years as a columnist for The Washington Post have given him some powerful new answers to fixing the system that’s turning on itself.

Please join us at the RamsayTalks breakfast on Friday, February 8th to hear how to fix the system.

Date: Friday, February 8
Breakfast: 7:30am followed by the presentation and Q&A
Place: Smith School of Business, Queen’s University,
Simcoe Place, 200 Front Street West, 30th floor
Price: Individual Tickets: $59 +hst (includes your copy of “Can American Capitalism Survive”)

Alternate Date: If February 8 at 7:30am doesn’t work for your schedule, Steven will give a book talk on Friday, April 5 from 8:00am to 9:00am at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, 105 St, George Street, Toronto. To register:

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