Peter O’Brian

March 24, 2015

Let’s talk about unspeakable assault.  



On February 7, the Globe and Mail published Peter O’Brian’s story about how he had been sexually assaulted as a school boy. It took him 50 years to breathe a word about it to anyone beyond his wife, Carolyn Bennett, MD, MP.


Peter is not one of society’s natural victims: he’s the Chair of TVO, the winner of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Directors Guild of Canada, and was the inaugural Executive Director of the Canadian Film Centre.


But even he (especially he) has carried his terrible secret about something that still victimizes so many people  — precisely because no one wants to talk about it.


So please join us for a Ramsay Breakfast on Tuesday, March 24th to hear the ugly, the bad and ultimately the good of Peter O’Brian’s experience – and how we can drag the last skeleton, kicking and screaming, from the closet. 


A film spurred me to confront my childhood nightmare 54 years later
Globe and Mail
Feb 6, 2015












Cost: $45.00 CDN + HST* 
Tables of 10 also available for $450 CDN + HST


Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.
Food for Thought: 8:00 a.m. – 8:40 a.m.
Questions & Answers: 8:40 a.m.
Done and Gone: 8:59 a.m.

*If you register and find you can’t attend, please give us 48 hours notice in advance, or unhappily, your payment will have to stick.

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