Kathrine Switzer

In 1967, Kathrine Switzer changed the finish line for women’s rights. She’s still running today.

It was an iconic moment not only for women in sports, but for women everywhere: Kathrine Switzer is ‘caught’ running the Boston Marathon, a race that didn’t allow women to enter.

Since then, she’s pushed millions of women to run…in fact, today, more women run marathons than men. She pushed the Olympics to make the Women’s Marathon an official event, and she’s started a new movement, 261 Fearless, Inc. Along the way, she’s been profiled (with Gloria Steinem, Jane Fonda and Oprah Winfrey) in CNN’s series: Women Who Make America; and won an Emmy for her sportscasting on CBS Sports.

Date: Friday, May 3rd
Breakfast: 7:30am followed by the presentation and Q&A
Place: Albany Club, main dining hall, 91 King St E, Toronto, ON M5C 1G3
Price: Individual Tickets: $60 +hst (includes your copy of When Running Made History)
Tables of 10: $600 +hst (includes 10 copies of When Running Made History)

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