Jeremy Rifkin

Jeremy Rifkin says the fossil fuel world will collapse by 2028. Find out why in 2019.

Few world-renowned economists, social theorists and political advisors have been so prolific for as long as Jeremy Rifkin. He is best known as the architect of the Third Industrial Revolution and his 20 books have been translated into 35 languages.

On Wednesday, Nov. 20, he will speak at a RamsayTalks breakfast on his new book,
The Green New Deal – the urgent plan to confront climate change and transform the North American economy.

So please join us to hear from one of the most clear-eyed, far-sighted intellectual provocateurs storming the corridors of power today.

Date: Wednesday, November 20
Breakfast: 7:30 – 9:00 a.m.
Place: Smith School of Business, Queen’s University,
Simcoe Place, 200 Front Street West, 30th floor
Price: Individual Tickets: $65 +hst (includes your copy of “The Green New Deal”)

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