Ira Millstein

The dean of corporate governance calls for more activist directors.

Ira Millstein has won every honour, held every post and led most every high-level initiative in the field of corporate governance. His new book, The Activist Director, calls for a new breed of activist directors who partner with management and reject short-term views.

His own view on the future of the corporation is telling, authoritative and, optimistic. As another Wall Street icon, investor John C. Bogle, says: “Ira Millstein aims to drive a stake into director passivity. It is a grand and important vision.”

Ira Millstein will speak at the Ramsay Luncheon on Friday, November 17th, and you are cordially invited to attend.

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Date: Friday, November 17
Reception: 12:00 – 12:30pm
Lunch: 12:30pm followed by the presentation and Q&A
Place: The Four Seasons Hotel, (Vinci Room, 6th floor) 60 Yorkville Avenue, Toronto
Price: Individual Tickets: $89 +hst (includes your copy of “The Activist Director”)
Tables of 10: $890 +hst (includes 10 copies of “The Activist Director”)

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