Carol Anderson Webcast

Missed Carol Anderson on October 8? You didn’t miss her. She’s inside…

Scads of people gathered at their screens to hear Carol Anderson. She is one of America’s most distinguished Black scholars and leaders.

Sadly, you weren’t there. I weep.

But happily you can be. Just click below to make both the webcast and the book yours, to enjoy in your jammies at 3 in the morning, or on a too-long Zoom call with the video shut off.

You can view the recorded webcast for up to one year after the live event. Again, just click below to make it yours.

Individual Tickets*: 1 hour recorded webcast + 1 eBook: $31+hst (purchase below)

*Once purchased, Louise Davey will send you a link and promo code for your eBook of “White Rage” and a link to the recorded webcast with your purchase. 

*All ticket buyers will be able to view the recorded webcast for up to one year after the live event.


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