Paul Goldberger had dinner at our home 10 years ago. Back then Goldberger was the architecture critic for the New Yorker having done the same at the New York Times.
Goldberger was speaking the next day at a RamsayTalk and we’d invited a tableful of Toronto architects to hear from the dean of the profession’s tastemakers and critics.
He was also a witty guy who asked me: “Do you know the world capital of churches converted into condos?”
He asked because we lived in the old Riverdale Presbyterian Church on Pape south of Danforth which had been converted into condos.
I quickly racked my brain. London? New York?
“Boston,” Goldberger replied.
“Why Boston?”
“Because the Catholic Church had to sell so many of its churches there after they ran through their insurance following the sexual abuse scandals of the early 2000s.
“In fact, I’m thinking of writing an article about the relationship between sexual perversity and urban planning.”
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